

 Cetirizine Brand names: ZERTEC, ARTIS, CETRALON  are the second-generation antihistamines used in the treatment of high fever, allergies, seborrheic dermatitis and urticaria. it is one of the basic metabolites of the hydroxycin antagonist and is an antagonist of a selective Rasmi receptor for H1. Second-generation antihistamines such as citrin have less ability to penetrate the barrier separating blood from the surrounding fluid in the central nervous system and thus reduce the effects on the nervous system Central comparison with the first generation drugs, for example, do not urge the body to sleep or interfere in the formation of memory.

 Reasons for the use of citrizine essential for the treatment of hay fever and other types of allergies. The symptoms of itching and redness in these cases are caused by the fact that the nitrogenous organic compound histamine affects the future of H1, thus stopping the function of E 1 receptors temporarily reduces these symptoms. Citrizine is commonly used to treat acute urticaria (and in some cases) chronic urticaria for its efficacy in treatment that outperformed the first generation antihistamines. Cytrizine is best used in the use of diphenhydramine in many countries because it does not affect the functioning of the regular brain and is also effective in the treatment of skin diseases related to skin rash and itching.

Citrizine Citrizine Reviewed by Nikka on September 20, 2018 Rating: 5

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