medicine definition


Medicines are those which is used to treat or prevent various types of diseases.

There are different route to take medicines like :
1 sublingual
2 intravenous (IV)
3 intramuscular (IM)
4 oral 
5 vaginal etc.

Medicines and drug

The Drug Guide contains detailed and extensive information on medicines available in the medical field. It is divided into four sections:
General Information:
Includes a general description of the medicine, its use, trade names and links to frequently asked questions, news and related articles. Drug is habitual so you should not take it continuously if you are taking it continuously, you should have to take advice to the doctor .

additional information:
 General description of the treatment of the medicine: how to take the medicine, doses and times, start and duration of the effectiveness, recommended diet during the period of taking the drug, storage method, and recommendations in cases of forget the dose and instructions to stop the drug and take overdose. the medicines should be taken only and only with the advice of doctor or pharmacist.

Special warnings:
For pregnant women, lactating women, elderly, boys, for drivers and use before surgery.

side effects:
 It deals with possible culprits, drug interactions that require attention and its effect on continuous use.

medicine definition medicine definition Reviewed by Nikka on September 15, 2018 Rating: 5

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