
What is Viagra 
Viagra (the brand name of Sildenafil) is used to treat men's sexual problems, or erectile dysfunction, increasing blood flow to the penis to achieve erections, along with sexual stimulation. It should be noted that Viagra does not work on the sexual arousal of the man, and it is effective only if the man is sexually aroused, and to understand the method of work Viagra you must know the mechanism of erection well. When a man is sexually aroused, the nervous system in the erectile tissue releases the nitric oxide. This enzyme stimulates an enzyme that produces a messenger that helps relax the smooth muscle cells.
This results in the expansion of the arteries in the penis, thus increasing the flow of blood easily to it, in addition to filling the tissues of the penis also with blood.
These processes result in erection, thus Viagra works to maintain a high level of cGMP in smooth muscle cells.

Best Dose

Your doctor will determine the most appropriate dose. It will take into consideration any possible interactions of different medications in addition to your age of erectile dysfunction and any experiences you have previously encountered with Viagra if any.

Viagra work since the first time
 May experience problems and inefficiency of work for Viagra when taken for the first time, but this is normal, most doctors advise to take Viagra at least 8 times before the trial of another drug.
Side effects
 There are some side effects of Viagra, but they are mild and mild, and the most common side effects are: Headache, redness of the face, neck and chest.

Viagra Viagra Reviewed by Nikka on September 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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